Tips For Creating Winning Shirt Designs That Sell Part 1

Jun 30, 2022

Welcome to Part One of tips for creating winning shirt designs that sell!

Having sold well over two million t-shirts across multiple niches, what I've noticed is that all of my winning designs have fallen into one of three categories.

I'm going to share with you all the three most effective categories for creating winning designs.

#1 - FUNNY DESIGNS (most effective in my experience)

Think designs that you see that will make you laugh out loud, that you'd wear, and that will also make other people laugh out loud. That's the key...and if you can make it niche specific even better.

A great example of this is a shirt in the dog niche that says "dogs make me not so much".


Another winning category is designs that evoke emotion in people. There are many different areas that people are very passionate about. Some of those could be environmental, it could be politics, it could be religion, it could be animals...but something that sparks something in people.

Maybe it makes them happy, maybe it's an emotion of frustration or sadness or anger.

A really good example of this in the environmental niche is a popular shirt that says "There is no Planet B". If you're passionate about the environment then you're likely going to want to wear that shirt to show your support for the environment and let other people know about your passion.


These are designs that really resonate with you, that you see or someone else sees and the first thing you think is OMG that is so me!

A very popular design a couple of years ago that made a ton of sales was a design that said "I'm an f-bomb mom with tattoos, pretty eyes, and thick thighs".

I mean that is very very specific, but if you fall into that category and meet all that criteria...what are you gonna think?

OMG, that's totally me!

And if someone else sees that shirt, they're gonna think of you and they're gonna tag you on it. It's surprising but if you can find those crossovers, you can have a huge amount of success.


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